Ganga Video Song By Ricky Kej

Launched at United Nations COP21 (Paris) on the 30th of Nov 2015 by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and President of France François Hollande.
A dedication to the river Ganga showcasing its birth and following its journey. Devotion to the holy river Ganga is devotion to the life-giving element of water. The human vessel is a unified embodiment of the elements and to worship the healing element is to worship that in oneself and to heal oneself.
From the album “Shanti Samsara- Music for Environmental Consciousness”
Lead and Scat Vocals: Shankar Mahadevan
Produced and Composed by Ricky Kej
Arranged by Ricky Kej, Charanraj and Jyoti Venkatraman
Video Directed by Sairam Sagiraju
Vocal Arrangements: Charanraj, Kedar Pandit
Choir Vocals: Charanraj, Priya Purushottam
Strings Arrangements: Manoj George
Strings: Raveolution Orchestra
Violins: Manoj George, Augustine Sandy, Siby Manuel, Jeoffrey Martin, Reuben James, Dawn Jos
Violas: Manoj George, Augustine Sandy, Reuben James, Siby Manuel
Keyboards and Programming: Vanil Veigas, Pancham Singhania, Ricky Kej
Flute: Butto
Percussion: Genevieve Diana D’Silva, Vanil Veigas, Varsha Kej
Bass: Dominic D’Cruz
Dan Bau: Hai Phuong
Dan Tranh: Tri Nguyen
Sitar: Asad Khan
Bass: Dominic D’Cruz

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